Getting Value and Goal Alignment
The Dimensional View of Our Selves©
Part 3 of 4
Stand with someone else.
Discover your shared values. What goals do you share?
Shifts within ourselves happen when we begin to name, identify and call out our values, our purpose, and even what our goals are. In different moments and with different people — we may find ourselves challenged a bit as we reconcile what of ourselves shows up in different moments or contexts.
So here’s a question or three: How do you show up with consistency around different groups of people? What are your values that you bring into each situation? What’s honest, true or authentic?
First develop your “YOU,” as the decision maker or leader — learn which parts of your self serve you and deal with those parts that don’t. Next, practice bringing YOU forward and make decisions from there. Honor the truth in your values and purpose and get curious about the other people around you. Leadership begins within yourself and then when your energy engages forward momentum.
We are all leaders as we grow and we share our curiosity in service of other people, common values and also goals. Us human creatures are so very powerfully multi-dimensional. There’s more to us than two-dimensions and when we begin to see our dimensionality. We begin to see how much more we can access from our own reserves and how that expands exponentially when we align shared values and shared goals with those around us. What’s possible when you name and recognize what you share with others?
What’s possible in aligned teamwork? What does alignment look like?
Mouse over the numbers for more.

Alignment: Develop Innovation, Team Members Become Mindful, Connection Forms, & Impact Is Effective
It’s powerful to see what clients create as they show up as their leaders. Result: They have impact on their lives, they shift the energy from a status quo they’ve just allowed, they change their world and turn toward creating the life they actually want to live.
What happens when you clearly identify what’s yours and what’s shared with your other team members?
No doubt there will be a whole lot of what’s shared. What alignment is possible if what you share is not called forth? It’s great to call these shared pieces out and identify them. It’s powerful when you work together with workshop programs and coaching to facilitate alignment so that together you become a generator of forward momentum.
Everyone is a Leader. We can learn this, practice this, BE this and DO this thing we call “leadership.”